Thursday, March 4, 2010


Rapper J-Kwon was reported missing by his record label after family and friends hadn't heard from him in over a month. Gracie Promotions, Kwon's record label, set up a Twitter account so people could write in any information they may have. Business associates of Kwon also went door to door in hopes of locating the rapper.

Apparently the search worked out just fine because J-Kwon's manager and publicist Dorian Washington says he's been located, and released the following statement:
"I am very happy to let everyone know that I personally spoke with J-Kwon today, and he is OK. He'd like to send a sincere apology to his friends and everyone who showed concern this week. He was taking some time to himself as he sometimes does, not realizing that people would start to worry after a while. A few days out of touch versus a month is quite a difference. Right now, he just wants to keep doing what he's doing and will be more available for those who care about him. We thank you again for your outreach, and we are relieved to know he'll be all right."

So where was he? Was it all a publicity stunt?  I guess we'll have to see how this story unfolds!!

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